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Putcom Communications
312 Severn Ave. Suite E411 
Annapolis, MD 21403
(443) 336-2816

Communication 101 vs. the Sound Bite

Many of us learned solid communication skills in high school and college – in bread and butter courses like English composition, “public speaking 101,” and (for more enterprising communicators) introduction to media relations.

The basic precepts still ring true, but modern societal influences have drastically changed the nature of communication.  Fueled by the Internet and accelerated by social media, the pace of thought and advanced language processing are now characterized by the limited character count of the Twitter generation.

The consensus of communication professors today is that those charged with giving speeches, making presentations and otherwise “getting the word out” need to update their basic, school-taught oratory skills.

Over the past 20 years, Bob Putnam has designed and presented “mini-courses” in presentation making and media relations – giving hundreds of corporate executives, government officials and others engaged in oral communications the up-to-date edge for success.

Whether it’s media relations, presentation training, or other communication domains, our training approach emphasizes that the most sophisticated use of language is often the least complex: the right words, chosen for clarity, simplicity and power; delivered with sincerity and confidence.

Our presentation-training program has become a regular feature of a top Federal executive development program, and has been popular with physician groups, chambers of commerce, and civic associations.  Developed by speechwriters, a psychologist and a statistician, the step-by-step course teaches how to assess the audience, craft the message (building in compelling data and emotion-stirring techniques), practice and refine the delivery, harness “stage fright” into useful energy, and present in a natural manner.  

Putnam Communications teams have presented this course in various time configurations, from 2-hour overviews, to day-and-a-half intensive sessions (allowing on-camera performance by each participant, with subsequent evaluation and feedback from instructors).  We have conducted other courses on a customized/occasional basis on subjects such as Broadcast Media Relations (“TV Training”), Plain Language in Executive Correspondence, Optimizing Teleconference Comments, and Basic News Media Relations.

Contact us to discuss a customized communications-training program for your organization.